Sys2Diag a CNRS-ALCEN partnership research unit
Sys2Diag is an alliance between the CNRS, the largest french governmental institution for scientific research, and ALCEN group.
Sys2Diag is committed to innovative cutting-edge research in medical diagnosis and engineering of a new generation of interactive medical devices.
Sys2Diag is an interdisciplinary laboratory that benefits from:
- a long-term experience in groundbreaking innovations for diagnostic procedures.
- a foundation in fundamental research in systems and synthetic biology.
- advanced technology platforms (Next Generation Sequencing, clinical proteomics, chemical biosensors, microfluidics, bioinformatics / biostatistics)
- relevant clinical partners and international networks.
- patent key domain.
By providing academic and private resources, Sys2Diag accelerates the transfer of scientific discoveries to industrial applications in the field of complex and multifactorial diseases (psychiatry, cancer, diabetes, etc.).